Whether it's a single part or two part glue it is important to have enough glue on the edge.
What you are looking for is a 90% sheen after the glue dries so that you are sure to get a strong bond. The visual appearance of this sheen signifies that the board did not soak up all the glue and that there is enough on the outside to bond to the laminate. The next area of importance is to make sure that you have gotten the glue line hot enough to bond and the activation temp can be obtained from your glue supplier. In addition, you must have the time long enough for the bond to take place with the 3D Laminate. It is very important to not try and save on glue and to try and run to fast that the glue does not have time to set. This will ensure happy customers who will keep ordering. The key is to also pull parts at times and to do pull tests. A pull test is achieved by cutting a triangle of vinyl and pulling it off the doors edge. This will show you how much fiber is being pulled and also how difficult it is to pull off. When it comes to glue, its not a place to try and save money as its the key behind quality components !
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